Web Cam Issues

Web Cam Issues

First things first...

If you are using a Windows system, continuing reading below.
If you are a Mac user, continue here.

Step One: Verify Microsoft Windows Settings

Follow the steps in this Microsoft article explaining how to fix your Webcam. This article will help you work through the most common issues.

Step Two: Make sure camera slider is open

Step Three: Check for a Privacy Shield/Protective Sticker

If you purchased a webcam privacy shield, please make sure it is open. If the image is blurry, the protective sticker may still be covering the camera.

Step Four: Press function key to turn on camera

Laptop keyboards have a quick way of shutting down or disabling devices on your PC. With the numerous reports of camera hacking, laptop manufacturers introduced this safety option. It can include a combination of keys, or a simple press of a function key. Trying the combination Fn + F6 or Fn + F9 or simply press F8 or F10. This will not work for you if you do not see an icon of a camera in the F6, F8, F9 or F10 keys. Simply locate this icon and use the Fn combination or a simple press of the key with the icon.

To see if the system has camera keys, search for function keys or camera in the user guide.

Final Step: Testing the camera

Try testing the camera in Windows 10, see Open the Camera in Windows 10.

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