Technical Support Contact and Ticket Response Times

Technical Support Contact and Ticket Response Times

Please select the button “Submit a Ticket” to submit a help desk ticket to our support team. You can find this at the bottom of this page.
We do not currently offer any form of telephone support.

We will respond to your ticket request within: 
4 hours Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM CST
4 - 6 hours Weekends 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM CST

Contact Name: Enter your first and last name as it is on file with your school. Do not include nicknames. We use these details to locate your account.
If you have a common name please include your institution email address in the description of your ticket.

Subject: A brief summary of your issue.

Description: Provide details on exactly where you are having a challenge.

Email: An email where you can be reached. This does not have to be your institution email.
Please make sure that your email address is typed correctly. If you do not provide a valid email BSI agents will be unable to contact you to provide support.
Please also check your junk/spam folder if you can not find a response frome he BSI team after a resonable amount of time.
School: The name of the institution where you are taking your coursework.

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